Saturday, December 27, 2008

Boxing day party in the South

Gotta love Wikipedia

Boxing Day dates back to past centuries when it was the custom for the wealthy to give gifts to employees or to people in a lower social class, most especially to household servants and other service personnel. The name has numerous folk etymologies[3].

As with Christmas itself, some elements of Boxing Day are also likely related to, and ultimately derived from, the ancient Roman Saturnalia, which also had elements of gift giving and social role reversal.[citation needed]

The name 'Boxing Day' originates from the tradition of putting gifts in boxes for the less fortunate.

We went next door to celebrate Boxing day. I don't remember celebrating Boxing day with a party in the North. We usually went shopping for sales when we were teenagers and just wanted to get out of the house. When we got older and wanted to avoid the crowds, we sat home and read and watched movies.

Last night we ate and drank. My neighbors are Welsh. They love hard alcohol. Gotta say. I cannot drink hard alcohol. I thought I was going to hurl. Our neighbor spends his weekends with a hard drink and a cigarette. I guess his job is stressful. He is a nice guy. He is not an alcoholic. There are just some groups of people that can drink the hard stuff on a regular basis. I drank wine coolers when I was in high school and college. It wasn't until I got poor in University that I turned to beer.

I have no interest in shopping on Black Friday. It is a total scam. They have a couple of items on sale and the marked as a sale...but the regular price is marked higher than normal.

You want to save money. Stay home. The stores have gotten too smart. They purposely disorganize/organize the store to slow you down. The slower they can get you to go, the more you will purchase. They put the items that you are more likely to purchase at the back or middle of the store, so that you have to walk through the store.

They are trying to get your money.

Stay home.

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