Saturday, April 6, 2013


Ok I am back. It is amazing how long I took off. During times of fundamental change I want to add to this blog. I hope one day my son reads this...but doesn't think his dad is a nut. Well I am a nut.

I left my former company....well I was fired. I led a project that was doomed to fail. I failed with it and because I was project manager. I took the blame. It was a good experience and opened my eyes to how things actually work.

I am still on Lexapro. I am still married. I work for a big 4 consulting firm. I am working on a project in Amsterdam. I am away from my family 3-4 weeks at a time. It sucks. It is good. I focus on my job when I am there. They all drive me nuts when I am back.

Right now I am deciding how to make a million dollars or a couple of million. Enough to not worry anymore about money. Enough to smile and have what I want.

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