Monday, July 20, 2009

The 24 hour fitness secret

Really isn't a secret. I just want to prolong the agony of Isadora blowing her lid and going into emotional cardiac arrest.

On Sunday morning, I snuck out a week supply of gym clothes to the car. How crazy is that? Sneaking off to take care of your health.

But I am feeding you "crue d'ete"? Yeah...I think at 260 lbs..I am going to need a little bit more help than crue d'ete.

I am going to leave work at lunch time....go work out and come back all refreshed!

Totally excited!

Shit! Need to charge up the iPod.


  1. It seems that you had a good time at 24 Hour Fitness. Want to know more about your workout experiences.

  2. I like it. It is more casual than alot of other places. More relaxed. You can do your fitness routine without people judging you. Plus I like the membership pricing structure. They are not trying to rip you off or put you into debt. I like it. Great value for your money. The bathrooms and exercise equipment are clean and maintained. Staff is nice.
