Monday, July 20, 2009

Darryl swims and jumps off diving board

Darryl is an amazing little guy. Yesterday, he swam a lap of the pool twice. I think I am going to continue to make him do this to build up his endurance. We need to strengthen that kick. He focused on keep his straight and looking at the wall.

The mind blowing thing was that he walked to the end of the diving board....and jumped off...and swam by himself to the side of the pool...10 times. Friggin incredible. To this day...I am totally awkward on the diving board. I can swim like crazy. I have been around pools my entire life. The diving board is not my forte. I am uncomfortable with heights of any kind. Like being on the ground.

I am incredibley proud of him. I need to focus on his reading.

However....for the past couple of months we have not been practicing sports of any kind...because I do not want Angie and Samir handling instruments that can turn objects into projectiles. It is very weird. It is like they can't do anything at when they come to our house....THEY GO INSANE!!!

We refuse to let them into the house because one day they destroyed our upstairs in 30 minutes. They emptied our clothes dressers, they threw socks at the ceiling fans. They tore the bed sheets off of our beds. They emptied out all the toy boxes in Darryl's room. It was like having Thing1 and Thing2 in our house.....except they didn't have a fancy cleaner upper like in the movie.

Yesterday, they managed to get inside for a drink of water while I was talking to their crazy father on our front doorstep. I figured the father is right outside the door. They come out and run home. Darryl comes out and says that Angie and Samir threw water all over our floor. The father says "Bye now!"...and takes off after them. He heard what Darryl said.

I walk into the kitchen......the entire floor is filled with water.

Previously, I let them use shovels to dig in our garden....Darryl always digs in our garden.....

....What a fuckin' disaster...

So.....Darryl and I will be practicing T-Ball and Soccer on the street. When Samir and Angie ask to play.

"No Samir and Angie you cannot play. Darryl and I are practicing and you cannot be trusted with anything of ours. You do not respect us and I do not respect you. You made a mess of our upstairs and threw water all over our kitchen. Good bye."....motherfuckers.

We signed Darryl up for soccer again. See how he does.

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